RDF Stream Taxonomy

RDF-STaX organizes RDF stream types and provides a common vocabulary for describing them.

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RDF-STaX started from a realization that many people talk about using “RDF streams”, but almost everyone means something different by this term. Is this stream a sequence of RDF triples, graphs, or datasets? Are there timestamps in this stream? Does time even matter for your use case? RDF-STaX aims to systematize this with a taxonomy of RDF stream types.

RDF Stream Taxonomy, as proposed in the RDF-STaX paper (Sowiński et al., 2024).

This taxonomy is represented as an RDF vocabulary (https://w3id.org/stax/ontology), making it possible to easily reuse it in various applications. It can be used (for example) for annotating published datasets and RDF streams, or for embedding the stream type information in the stream itself, so that the stream processing systems can understand it (interoperability!).

RDF-STaX is being used in RiverBench to describe and validate the stream types of benchmark datasets. It is also used in Jelly to easily embed metadata about the type of the stream in the stream itself. This is used in Jelly-JVM to automatically check for stream type compatibility and apply conversions if needed.


  1. Electronics
    RDF Stream Taxonomy: Systematizing RDF Stream Types in Research and Practice
    Piotr Sowiński, Paweł Szmeja, Maria Ganzha, and 1 more author
    Electronics, 2024